If you have install the fiber glass shower enclosures or install other fiber glass windows and doors, you may feel dizzy about how to get the glass surfaces clean, gleaming and ready for their own close-up.

Shower Enclosures Doors and Windows
The fiber glass shower doors and windows can be usually seen and often used in many houses. And the question is that when clean the fiber glass shower doors with soap scum, then the water spots would blur the gorgeous vista.
For soap scum and film: using a product called Bioclean to remove soap scum and film, and a monthly Rain X application to maintain a streak-free shine.
For the water spots: using the , a tough cleaner that is still free of ammonia, phosphates and bleach. CLR's website recommends making a solution that's half water and half CLR. But CLR is a spot cleaner and will damage natural stone and marble, terrazzo, colored grout, painted and metallic glazed surfaces, and acrylic tubs, so use it carefully.
However, not everything can use to clean the fiber glass shower door, please get away from: Abrasive cleansers, which can damage the construction of the fiber glass.

With these tips, you may deal with the difficult cleaning problem. Cleaning the fiber glass shower enclosures is not a hard work ,but you need to be careful and patient. When using the product CLR, you should mention the function and bad effect.单击此处进行编辑.

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